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7 March 2009

Drupal and WordPress

Having spent quite a bit of time with both Drupal in WordPress in the last 12 months, I really have to say that Drupal is totally pants and WordPress is spectacular shit. I have trouble thinking of anything at all kind to say about WordPress. The sad thing is that it seems to be getting worse with age.

22 April 2007

Drupal and the rest

I'd be inclined to support a worldwide ban on PHP content management systems that aren't called Drupal. Everything else is kind of shite.

1 September 2006

Gcal API and PHP

Using the PEAR XML Parser I was able to make a nifty interface to Google Calendar for the Food Coop Roster in about 40 minutes. It uses the Google Calendar API. The built-in syndication stuff Google gives you is pretty average. I even made it a Drupally sort of module. Although at the moment it doesn't do anything very spectacular.

23 April 2006


Drupal is so rewarding. The more you use it, the simpler everything gets. And everything is so transferable. I reckon I'll use it for more stuff.

13 April 2006


Drupal is so noice. It's huge, but so clean and well designed. With lighttpd it's pretty fast too.

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