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26 June 2007 Events has a pretty posh events setup these days. It will look at the music you like and find music events that you might like. It does a pretty good job too. All three of the gigs I'm actually going to in the next couple of months are on the list. And three more of the gigs I'd really like to go to are there too.

8 May 2007

Yahoo Pipes +

Yahoo Pipes does

Really and truly, Yahoo Pipes is pure bliss. After a long period of loyal service from my modified version of Tijs's plugin I have found a nicer solution. I was waiting for to turn its charts into Atom or something, but I suppose it's the wrong paradigm. So I used Yahoo Pipes to convert the random XML into a normal RSS feed. Now I can use my plain RSS feed printer to do it.

20 July 2006 is so neat. It's like a customised radio, and it looks at all the songs you've listened to in the past and tries to guess at what other music you'd like. It's found heaps of music that's really tops. I get excited about what song it will come up next. Although sometimes I have to stop it and put on Bob Dylan for a while, because it doesn't find very much Bob Dylan. None so far in fact.

5 June 2006 WordPress Plugin (without CURL)

This is a complete ripoff of tijs's plugin, but I've replaced the CURL library with the fopen URL wrapper. So it should work with pretty much any PHP install. Of course, it is now marginally less good.

Now I'm really going to go study. Or maybe have breakfast. But after that I'll definitely go study.

Update: I installed CURL and now I'm using Tijs's original. fsockopen() and the HTTP wrappers in PHP suck too bad.

Update 2: Now I'm using Yahoo Pipes to get it as plain RSS.

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